Monday, December 7, 2009


We all have heard meditation, it has been penetrating our society today. One thing you may be more familiar with is yoga, which is very similar to meditation. Buddism is one of the most known religions to practice meditation, but you don't need to be buddhist to meditate.

Meditation is all about clearing your mind. While meditating, the goal is to clear your mind of all things, to think of nothing. Since you are thinking of nothing, there is nothing for you to worry about, and there aren't any stressors penetrating your mind, thus making you more able to focus and control your own thoughts. This is very beneficial to you in times of stress, such as a test, going out on a first date, or having to speak pubicly. Meditation allows you to "tame the mind" so to speak, take control of your fear and anxiety, and really take a minute to focus on the task at hand.

You may be wondering how to meditate. Its very simple, follow these few guidlines and you should be on your way.

1.)Find a quiet, neat and clean space, free from distractions

2.)It will be very tough at first to stay focused, but determination will make it worth while

3.)For your first time, do it for a very short time, 2-3 minutes is a good start. As you get more skilled start doing it for longer periods of time

4.)Take it seriousely, doing it with a freind would be a bad idea because of it can be distraction.

I hope you may try it even just once. It cant hurt!


  1. Meditation seems like a healthy activity. I haven't done it myself, but I have heard it is great. It's apparently good for clearing your mind and releaving stress. People say it is unappreciated, my mom being one of them. Maybe we should listen to these people and try meditating to see how it goes.

  2. I have tried meditating with a couple different techniques but I haven't been able to truly meditate but I am sure that it is because I can't find the right place to concentrate in having a clear mind. I will try this way to see if it works, I would love to experience meditation and relax.
