Thursday, December 3, 2009

Its beginning to look alot like Christmas...

Ah its the holidays. The wonderful holidays, snow fights, sledding, presents, and the ever present frost of the cold. At least from where I come from it was cold. But lets avoid these trivial matters and really ponder what really goes on these next few weeks.
Its the end of another year, we all talk how fast it went by, the highs and the lows, and all those embarrassing moments throughout the year. But who do we end talking about these things with? Well, they are there when you wake up to open up presents Christmas morning, there the ones that call you and set you straight when your slipping up, there the ones that you call when you know you are slipping up and need help. These are the ones we talk to. They don't care about how you look, and they aren't angry because you didn't get the right present for them. They are content that you plumped down, in your ugly turtle neck that you wear every December, talking and enjoying your self with them.
These holiday times allow us as families to grow and become even closer as another year passes. You realize that these are the people that still call you when you move away, you see how you hate them, but you really can't live without them. The whole year you are ungrateful for them, you forget that they could be gone any day. During the holidays, we take that time to be grateful for your families just being there around you.
Please this holiday season enjoy your family, cherish them, hug and kiss them, because when its over, life will return to its normal pattern, and you will loose your gratitude.

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