Its 2009 now, coming up on 2010. What a decade for science, for technology, together they have made us think about our religions and the existence of a God. Of course there is the ongoing debate of, "if God exists than why does suffering exist?" But this is not the subject. Science, has put its cards on the table, and everybody has their money on it. There has been debate about whether to have "In God we Trust" on our coins. Many pious people want that to stay, but why should it? America doesn't trust in God, I see "In God we Trust" on the quarter in my pocket, but isn't it an oxymoron? In our constitution there is a clear separation between Church and State. No trust in God there. Personally I wish we really did trust in God, but we shouldn't have it on our coins if no one believes it, please, lets not be hypocrites.
Religion is becoming a less and less part of our society, and science plays a leading role in this. Science has reasonable, very logical explanations for things that used to be explained by a God or supernatural force. Two of the biggest theories are the big bang theory, and the theory of Evolution. People have taken these as an explanation for God, so God is no longer needed. But if we can figure out how time itself began, than why can't we figure out if Pluto is a planet? Why are we wasting money finding water on the moon if we could be using it to saving our own planet? Is it possible that there is something out there, that is just one step above us, just as humanity is one step above animals, maybe God is one step above us. There are things that animals just can't comprehend, like when you try and save a cat from a tree it just tries and fights you. It doesn't understand what your intentions are or what your trying to do. Just as humans we try and find the answers to these difficult, mind boggling questions, but we still can't make logical decisions, or answer even the easy questions. I think there are somethings we as people just will never be able to understand. We are imperfect, we have faults, and they have been a hindrance ever since the beginning of time... or until we evolved from monkeys...
I do believe science is taking the place of religion in today's society. The problem is that now we are going to rely entirely on science like we used to rely on religion. Now scientists will become priests and have all the benefits priests used to have. Also, they might be paid more for being scientists. Basically, one force cannot direct all our thoughts, and actions. We must think by ourselves, and hear several opinions on subjects.
ReplyDeleteIn the second paragraph you talk about how god is one step above us. Which I take that you mean god is perfect, He knows what is when, where, and why at all times. Yes this is believed to be true, but don't you see religion as being a sort of social control. A long time ago there was no order or much law and IF god did not exist then it would give people a good reason to invent him. If you think about it Christianity has the ten commandments and the teachings of Jesus, are all control through fear. Religion sets laws and beliefs for people and controls them to do something wrong or right. In a the Muslim religion if your prayer is pronounced wrong even though your intention is the same your prayer is invalid and discarded. Which is someone telling another person what to do and how to do it or it's wrong.
ReplyDeleteI can relate with your opinion of science taking the place of religion nowadays. I am not happy with it. I think that science is very useful when it comes to certain subjects. But the thing I don't like about it is that scientists always need to "find" an answer...even if there is no answer to find. I feel like scientist are so wrapped up in trying to figure everything out and they're so out to prove themselves, that they will do anything to make their views prominent. I just simply cannot believe everything they say. It could just be me, being skeptical; or they could just be wrong.