Friday, October 23, 2009

Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

There is a new and growing religion established in the year 2005 by a man named Bobby Henderson. They believe pirates are divine beings, and that strippers and beer volcano's await them in heaven. Hell is a not so bad of a place in this church, in Hell its the same as heaven except the beer is stale and the strippers have STD's, no fire and brimstone included. Maybe the most contemporary part is that they believe a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe after a night of heavy drinking.
The followers of this new and growing religion call themselves pastafarians, which has been recognized by sites like facebook as another religion in the "religion Box" of your profile. They believe that the drop in the number of pirates since the 1800's is the reason for the increase in Global tempature. Thier justification for this is that in Somalia has the highest number of pirates in the world, and the lowest carbon emissions. Click here for there church website.
Reading about this new religion is very humorous to most people, thats because its supposed to be. It was created when the Kansas school board allowed the the theory of intelligent design to be taught along with the theory of evolution. Bobby Henderson upset at this new proposal, wrote this letter to the Kansas school board. The letter introduced his faith and that if they were going to teach intelligent design they had to teach all of the different theories of it including his, the belief a flying spaghetti monster created the universe.
Many atheists use the church of the flying spaghetti monster to make a joke of what people who follow intelligent design believe to be. There was a case in Polk County Flordia were five of the seven board members proffessed to believing in intelligent design, so pastafarians sent in emails telling them how they wanted equal time being taught for thier theory. One of the members rejected the emails as insulting and ubsurd.
Don't be suprised if you see this church popping up more as the debate over the theory of evolution comes up in today's education of our youth. I expect to see more of this in the future.
Click here for more information on Intelligent Design
Click here for more information on Evolution


  1. Is this TRUE!? Wow who would've thought. I think is a very fun and creative idea for blogging. Religion is such a great topic, there are so many types that people have never even heard of. This being one of them for sure. I cant wait to hear more about exotic crazy religions that are out there!

  2. I think is pretty crazy that people are worshiping pirates and think that beer volcanoes are awaiting, but everyone has their beliefs. Maybe this people think is crazy to believe in Catholicism, or be Jewish. However this is not the first time I hear of some odd worship. A couple of months back I saw in the news a group of people in Argentina who opened the Diego Maradona church, where the famous soccer player who is believed to be one of the best of all time, is worshiped as a God

  3. This is hilarious! Its amazing what people can come up with. I believe your blog is great, and there is a lot that you can talk about, like the flying spaghetti monster. Its just so absurd! I just want to see if there is actually someone out there who has heard about this and has wanted to join the religion…. Hilarious!

  4. This whole practice is a joke in reference to that christians and catholics believing a man in the sky "god" is the creator of the universe is the same as worshiping pirates and a flying spaghetti monster as a creator.

  5. I think religions like this are pretty hilarious. Worshiping pirates? What'd they do, go see "Pirates of the Caribean" and then be like "I MUST WORSHIP THEM"?

  6. JLowe, pirates are awsome. Santoro! This is awsome! I never thought anyone would worship pirates so much! I mean, I like them and think its cool, but to think they are the reason for global warming? jajaja! keep writing ma man!!
