Friday, October 30, 2009

Star Of David

Im sure you all of have seen this symbol before. If not is known as the Star of David. The Star of David is used to recognize the Jewish faith. I would put money on it though that you don’t know were this symbol originated or what it means and represents. Well now I will share with you the information I have gathered.
According to legend king David had a shield with two interlocking triangles wrapped in leather bands to complete the circle. Apparently in one of his battles it became so intense that the two triangles came together as one and from then on it has been known as the "shield" of David. The Shield of David is what Jews commonly refer it to. This is legend though and has no historical backing.
The representation of the star is also unclear. Some think that the twelve sides represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Other say that the six points represent Gods total control over all the directions, being north, south, east, west, up and down. Also the direction in which the triangles point may symbolize God in heaven (triangle pointing up) and people on earth (triangle pointing down).
I hope you enjoyed this addition to Giovanni's Blog.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

There is a new and growing religion established in the year 2005 by a man named Bobby Henderson. They believe pirates are divine beings, and that strippers and beer volcano's await them in heaven. Hell is a not so bad of a place in this church, in Hell its the same as heaven except the beer is stale and the strippers have STD's, no fire and brimstone included. Maybe the most contemporary part is that they believe a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe after a night of heavy drinking.
The followers of this new and growing religion call themselves pastafarians, which has been recognized by sites like facebook as another religion in the "religion Box" of your profile. They believe that the drop in the number of pirates since the 1800's is the reason for the increase in Global tempature. Thier justification for this is that in Somalia has the highest number of pirates in the world, and the lowest carbon emissions. Click here for there church website.
Reading about this new religion is very humorous to most people, thats because its supposed to be. It was created when the Kansas school board allowed the the theory of intelligent design to be taught along with the theory of evolution. Bobby Henderson upset at this new proposal, wrote this letter to the Kansas school board. The letter introduced his faith and that if they were going to teach intelligent design they had to teach all of the different theories of it including his, the belief a flying spaghetti monster created the universe.
Many atheists use the church of the flying spaghetti monster to make a joke of what people who follow intelligent design believe to be. There was a case in Polk County Flordia were five of the seven board members proffessed to believing in intelligent design, so pastafarians sent in emails telling them how they wanted equal time being taught for thier theory. One of the members rejected the emails as insulting and ubsurd.
Don't be suprised if you see this church popping up more as the debate over the theory of evolution comes up in today's education of our youth. I expect to see more of this in the future.
Click here for more information on Intelligent Design
Click here for more information on Evolution

Friday, October 16, 2009

A start

Theology has been a topic i've always been interested in.  Its a study that I have taken up very recently and is something im very interested in.  The main focus of my study's have been in the very focused realm of Christian Apologetics, books like Case for Christ and Case for Faith both written by Lee Strobel.  The first, Case for Christ talks about the objections to the credibility of the Gospels, the existence of Christ, and if he did exist was he who he claimed to be.  Case for Faith is focused on the hard questions of life that nobody knows the answers too.  Questions like, if there is a God why does he allow evil to exist, why is there so much suffering in the world, and why do bad things happen to good people.  Both of these books support God and try to answer these questions using logic and historical evidence for support.  I found them to be very convincing and enforcers of my faith.  
Since I've read these i've had the desire to study other subjects about God and religion.  If anyone is of another religion then christianity then please, id love to know the things you believe and the different ways you do things.  Even if you happen to be an atheist Im interested in hearing why you don't believe in God and to see the effect of it on your life in the way you do things.  This is the start of a great blog I hope, Ill see you guys another day.